Tuesday, March 17, 2015

How my background affects my health!

I think my background has significant effects on my health. There are some positive effects. I come from family that respect is one of the values of it. I haven’t seen my parents talk to each other or to their kids with less respect. I learn from my family to understand others, and to listen to their problem. This issue made me a good listener to people’s problem; also it made me someone who can talk about my problem with others. Overall, I have a good mental health because my parent provided me a good environment. Moreover, culture and traditions of my family had some good influence on me. I learn to be thankful for thing that I have. I think this is the reason I’m happy of my life.

On the other hand, my background has some negatives effects on me. I don’t have a good diet. Eating rice and bread become a habit for me. Not only my family, but also any families in my country eat lots of Carbohydrate in their meals.
If I want to continue eating like this, probably I will have a heart attack before I get old enough. And I don’t want to be a bad parent for my children in future. I should stop these before they become habit. I know nothing like parents can influence kids life, so I try to be a healthy man that can have a good effects on my future family.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

a Great Novel

I bought a novel called the Secret Daughter last week from Costco, and I try to read one chapter every night before asleep.  The Secret Daughter is written by Philpi Somaya Gowda, is one of the best book I ever read. After reading almost 3 chapters of the book, I can’t wait to read rest of it. The way that author describe the story makes me think what will happen to characters of story.
Author describes life of two families that are connected to each other. Kavita and Jasu, They lived in small city in India. Kavita first baby was a girl (Asha), and Jasu didn’t let her to keep baby because in that time people couldn’t have a baby girl in India. So they gave the baby to orphanage. Kavita second baby was a boy (Vijay). After Vijay got older, they moved to Bombay. They have poor family, so both Jasu and Kavita work hard to pay for Vijay school.
Meanwhile, Indian man names Kris had American wife names Somer, and they both are doctor. Somer had medical problems, and she couldn’t get pregnant. They decided to adopt a baby from orphanage. They adopt kavita’s daughter. 

One of the things that make me interested to continue reading this book is when author describe Vijay’s problems with his family. He knows his parents work hard for his future, so he works secretly and bring home some money every night. On the other hand, Asha also has some problem with her dad. Kris wants her to become a doctor, but she loves to be a journalist. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

My childhood

I’m not child anymore, but I miss my childhood years. It was really beautiful to be a child.  I’m happy that when I think about my childhood, I have good memories in my mind. I remember how young 
my father was. He had black hair with a mustache. Even his voice is different now.

My days were happy ones before I started going to school. I had good neighbors to play with from morning till evening. We play games in the neighbor such soccer in street and hide and seek. I was really good in soccer in street; always there was a fight between my friends that which side should I play.

 At the age of five, I stated to attend kindergarten. I remember my sister’s school was also in the same building. She had classes on the second floor. I can’t believe that was 16 years ago. She looks so different now. I can’t my sister getting married this summer. Life goes really fast.
In the kindergarten, I had two best friends. They were twins, both girls. They had same outfit all the time. We played lot of games on the breaks. I don’t know where they are now! This is what I don’t like about life….