Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What Can Cause Obesity 1(revised version)

What Can Cause Obesity
I am walking in the street of Portland, Going from 21st avenue to 23rd. I am looking at stores, restaurant, and people who are talking to each others.I stopped for a second, thinking to myself where could this delicious smell comes from? People are sitting at restaurant and waiting for their foods. Waitress coming, and she has two plates of Berger with french fries in her hand. Fast Food! This is what American really likes. Right? Is that the reason of obesity and overweight in United State?

If you ask people around you that what is the reason that America  is suffering from obesity, most of people think fast food are the main reason. Look around. You can't go a mile without seeing McDonald's and other Fast food branches.

 Now, let's look at this issue from different view. According to National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, “A lack of energy balance most often causes overweight and obesity. Energy balance means that your energy IN equals your energy OUT. Energy IN is the amount of energy or calories you get from food and drinks. Energy OUT is the amount of energy your body uses for things like breathing, digesting, and being physically active.” Overweight and obesity happen over time when you take in more calories than you use. If you want to have a healthy weight, your energy IN and OUT should not be balance every day. the importance is that you have energy IN and OUT balance over long period of time. 

1 comment:

  1. You should watch the documentary "Fed Up"

    It analyzes and debunks the Calorie in/Calorie out fallacy that we've been taught. I would be interested to hear your thoughts about it.
