Thursday, December 4, 2014


How to Be Fit
There are lots of people in the world who trying really hard to get fit. They spend hours in gym everyday; they spend money to buy medicine that helps them to loss weight, but still they are not happy with their weights.  Why they can’t get result? What is the problem?

There are some reasons that many people can’t get to their favorite weights. I think the main reason is that people spend their time to exercise, but they don’t have much control on the food they eat. I have a friend who is the personal trainer. I asked him the question that "how much important is food to get fit?" He said: I can tell 50 % is food and 50 % is workout.

It is really important to have the colories balance. This means that the energy that we get from our food should be almost equal the amount of energy that we use everyday. A man with the normal activity level needs to get 2400 calories per day. If he spend more that this amount his body start to burn fat. On the other hand, if he spends less that the amount that he get from foods, he will gain weight. We have to know that the amount of calories that we get should not be to much less than the amount of calories that we get from food. When people suddenly start to eat less than before body react to this issue and start to save all that you enter your body, and this is what you don’t want to happen.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What Can Cause Obesity 1(revised version)

What Can Cause Obesity
I am walking in the street of Portland, Going from 21st avenue to 23rd. I am looking at stores, restaurant, and people who are talking to each others.I stopped for a second, thinking to myself where could this delicious smell comes from? People are sitting at restaurant and waiting for their foods. Waitress coming, and she has two plates of Berger with french fries in her hand. Fast Food! This is what American really likes. Right? Is that the reason of obesity and overweight in United State?

If you ask people around you that what is the reason that America  is suffering from obesity, most of people think fast food are the main reason. Look around. You can't go a mile without seeing McDonald's and other Fast food branches.

 Now, let's look at this issue from different view. According to National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, “A lack of energy balance most often causes overweight and obesity. Energy balance means that your energy IN equals your energy OUT. Energy IN is the amount of energy or calories you get from food and drinks. Energy OUT is the amount of energy your body uses for things like breathing, digesting, and being physically active.” Overweight and obesity happen over time when you take in more calories than you use. If you want to have a healthy weight, your energy IN and OUT should not be balance every day. the importance is that you have energy IN and OUT balance over long period of time. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

What Can Cause Obesity(part1)

What Can Cause Obesity
I am walking in the street of Portland, Going from 21th avenue to 23th. I am looking at stores, restaurant, and people who are talking to each others.I stopped for a second, thinking to myself where could this delicious smell comes from? People are sitting at restaurant and waiting for their foods. Waitress coming, and she has two plates of Berger with french fries in her hand. Fast Food! This is what American really likes. Right? Is that the reason of obesity and overweight in United State?

If you ask people around you that what is the reason that America  is suffering from obesity, most of people think fast food are the main reason.  We have to look at this issue from different view. According to National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, “A lack of energy balance most often causes overweight and obesity. Energy balance means that your energy IN equals your energy OUT. Energy IN is the amount of energy or calories you get from food and drinks. Energy OUT is the amount of energy your body uses for things like breathing, digesting, and being physically active.” Overweight and obesity happen over time when you take in more calories than you use. If you want to have a healthy weight, your energy IN and OUT should not be balance every day. the importance is that you have energy IN and OUT balance over long period of time. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Nutritious vs. Income

Nutritious vs. Income
What we choose to eat plays a huge role in determining our risk of gaining too much weight. A study done by the Centers of Disease Control showed that since 1980, one third of our adult population has become overweight and are suffering from obesity. America is the richest but also the fattest nation in the world. This is crazy. Right?

Base on my research, the higher rates of obesity found in low-income and racial ethnic minority groups in the U.S. Environmental barriers to healthy eating are often greater for people who have lower incomes and less education. I think there is a relationship between supermarket access, diet, and obesity. Low-income neighborhoods are less likely to have access to large supermarkets that offering high quality and low-cost food, compared to middle-income neighborhoods. Low-income families face additional barriers to healthy eating that may contribute to the higher rates of obesity seen in lower-income groups. Healthy foods, such as vegetables and fruit are more expensive than less healthful foods, such as chips and sweets, and may be too expensive for low-income families. Imagine you come back from work, and you are really hungry. Would you prefer to buy your food from local food trucks that is 1 minute walking from your house or you choose to drive 15 minutes to closest supermarket to buy healthy food? I am not lazy but after 8 hours work I don’t think it would be a good idea to go somewhere far!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Cellphones and Health Risks

Cellphones and Health Risks
Do you think your cell phone can increase your brain activity? Does it affect your skin? Do you think it can affect your sperm viability? Is it safe for pregnant women or children? Do you think use a hands-free headset can decrease the risk of problems cause of cellphones? Do you think our phones have enough safety standards strict? Does cellphones have any health effects?
          Electromagnetic waves generated by cellphones facilitate our communications throughout the world. These waves have a lot of effects on the human body as well as our daily lives. The effects of electromagnetic waves cause many problems and diseases in the human body for example like cancer. Nowadays, cancers caused by these waves have increased in conjunction with increased mobile users. The effect of the electromagnetic radiation of cellphones depends on the age of the human being. The effects have been higher in children and teenagers in comparison to adults.
Some articles from news and medical websites can be found on the Internet that shows health consequences of using cellphones. Brain tumors and male infertility are the examples of these results. An article from Fox News by Dr. Marc Siegel states, “An ongoing multi- center trial in 13 European countries examining the cell phone use of more than 5,000 people with brain tumors appears to show an increased incidence in brain tumors in those who used cell phones. Further, the side of the brain affected appears to correlate with the side the cell phone was used”. Scientists advice us to use hands-free devices such as earphone that can decrease the risk of developing brain tumors. On the other hand, some studies in animals and humans have shown cell phone usage to be associated with abnormal sperm motility, morphology, and viability. “Cell phones emit radiation in the form of electromagnetic waves, which may have adverse effects on the Leydig and Sertoli cells (both necessary for development of sperm) within the testicle”(Wakehealth).

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Texting Can Cause Problems!

Text messaging is one of the most popular communication methods in the world. Texting has become more popular than ever, and this trend will be increasing even more in the feature. Young people are more into texting and there must be some reasons for it. I ask some people around why you would prefer to text than call? And I got very similar answers. The main reason is because texting is cheaper than call, as different carriers such as Sprint and Version offer much affordable text plan rather than call plans. Another reason that people prefer to text is that not everyone can pick up their phones all the time. For instance, people who are busy with their work they may not be able to answer the phone calls during working hours, but they can check their massages whenever they get chance.

           These days cellphone’s companies come up with free way of texting, For example, IMessage for IPhone. This even encourages people to text even more than past, which leads to some problems. Small text and bright screens can strain mobile phone users’ eyes. Since cellphones are designed to reed at close range, user eyes must constantly focus to the screen but people usually read some parts of the text and go off the screen and come back to read the rest which is harmful for human vision. According to Business News Daily, Americans spend 23 hours per week using their phones for texting. As these numbers arise, we should expect more people to have eyestrain. Symptoms of eyestrain include eye redness or irritation, dry eyes, blurred vision, back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

           There are some ways to prevent eyestrain.  First you can enlarge the font of the messages. Second, you should give your eyes a short break time. When you are texting for a long time, it is good to have a break that you can close your eyes and move your eyes from side to other side. Researches show that even a really short time break during texting for a long time can help your eyes to relax and recover.” Device users are also advised to take breaks from looking at the screen, and follow the “20-20-20” rule: Take a 20-second break every 20 minutes using an electronic device and look at something 20 feet away.” (Southuniversity).

Sunday, October 19, 2014


“Put that cell phone away!” I hear that phrase a lot in class. Cell phone is the main cause of distraction in class. During a lesson, students who use cell phone in class will get distracted and also they waste their time instead of understanding the lesson. I know it sound like old fashion, but it is a fact my friend. We love our phones; I spend hours everyday with my phone. These days life without cellphones is hard to imagine. Imagine there is car accident. You stock in the car, and you cant open the door. There are no one too help you. What you would do? Would you call 911?  This piece of technology makes life easier and safer. Base on my survey responses people use their phones several times the day for different purposes. We should accept that we need cellphones, but we have to be aware of disadvantages of it.
Cell phones are playing a huge role in destroying how people talk face-to-face, our relationships, and our social skills. Teens are the biggest user of cell phones, texting, and technology. According to Wikipedia, Ninety-one percent of Americans ages 18 and over own cell phone. Texting has taken over everyone’s communication process, and over the years our teenagers have become more and more addicted to the technology. It has got to a point that it has caused our teenagers to have severe depression and hard time communicating with their peers. I feel like we all need to bring down the percentage of using our modern technology and stop allowing the computers to decide for us when we have a built in computer in our body.

People put themselves in dangerous situation while we are having our phone and texting. The study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows “69% of drivers in the United States ages 18-64 had talked on their cell phone while driving within the 30 days before they were surveyed”. Researches show that drivers with lower age are more likely to text and drive. I know many people who involving accident while they were texting. I think that we can prevent these accidents if we put our phones away when we are driving.