Thursday, December 4, 2014


How to Be Fit
There are lots of people in the world who trying really hard to get fit. They spend hours in gym everyday; they spend money to buy medicine that helps them to loss weight, but still they are not happy with their weights.  Why they can’t get result? What is the problem?

There are some reasons that many people can’t get to their favorite weights. I think the main reason is that people spend their time to exercise, but they don’t have much control on the food they eat. I have a friend who is the personal trainer. I asked him the question that "how much important is food to get fit?" He said: I can tell 50 % is food and 50 % is workout.

It is really important to have the colories balance. This means that the energy that we get from our food should be almost equal the amount of energy that we use everyday. A man with the normal activity level needs to get 2400 calories per day. If he spend more that this amount his body start to burn fat. On the other hand, if he spends less that the amount that he get from foods, he will gain weight. We have to know that the amount of calories that we get should not be to much less than the amount of calories that we get from food. When people suddenly start to eat less than before body react to this issue and start to save all that you enter your body, and this is what you don’t want to happen.